Learning Centre 1 - Mr A Owen
Welcome to LC1 2024-2025
This term our topic is 'What Makes The World Go Round?'
We will be learning about our school, ourselves, our families, our local community, transport and how to keep ourselves safe.
We will be learning one jolly phonic sound per week. You can find the songs/actions on the link below. Please sing these at home with your children.
We collect £1 per week - this goes towards cooking activities, parties, and treats when we go out and about.
Useful Information
LC1 consists of 10 children and 4 adults - Mr Owen, Miss Amiri (teaching assistant), Miss Barrett (teaching assistant) and Miss Happy (teaching assistant)
School starts at 9.15am for LC children
School finishes at 3.15pm for LC children
Children may bring in fruit for their snack at breaktime
PE is on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Water bottles are provided in class and can be topped up in school from the water fountain when needed
In mathematical development we will be looking at counting, addition, one more/less, shape and time. There are lots of educational games on topmarks which will help with your child's learning.