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Crindau Primary School

Hand in Hand we Inspire and Celebrate Success

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Vision and values



Mission Statement & Vision Principles

We are delighted to be able to share with you our mission statement and vision principles for Crindau Primary School. We have gathered ideas from our children, staff, governors and parents.


Mission Statement 

Hand in Hand we Inspire, and Celebrate, Success

All members of Crindau Primary School are focused on developing learning capacity so they will know, understand and challenge themselves as learners. We will deliver an inspiring curriculum which will empower children to discover and build on their interests, share ideas and be motivated to learn.

Growing together with the community

All members of Crindau Primary School are committed to developing relationships based on mutual trust and support. We will strive to be at the heart of the community and develop collaborative skills to enable effective contribution to our local community and the wider world.


Principles into Practice

To provide an inspiring and challenging curriculum that reflects our community and meets the need of every child.


To teach children how to be a good learner so that they are empowered to lead their own learning.


To develop a culture where children and staff believe in their own ability, take risks and challenge themselves to be better.

To create an inclusive, caring and happy environment in which children feel safe, secure, valued and respected.


To place pupil voice and participation at the heart of learning and school life.


To provide a variety of social, emotional, cultural and spiritual opportunities to ensure that each child becomes a responsible citizen.

To develop an emotionally intelligent community with self-awareness, professionalism, self-motivation, respect and empathy at the core.


To foster a sense of belonging to the school and wider community.


To celebrate achievements and instil a sense of pride in children and our community.



It is a primary aim of Crindau Primary school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The school Behaviour Policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure, and to help children to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community.

The school has a number of school rules, but the primary aim of the Behaviour Policy is not a system to enforce rules. It is a means of promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn.


School Rules

The staff and children at Crindau Primary decided on the following school rules:


The emphasis must always to be to encourage positive behaviour rather than to criticise inappropriate behaviour and rewards have a major role to play in this.


The most immediate method is verbal praise; it is motivational and helps children to realise that good behaviour is valued.


 We hold a celebration assembly every Friday where rewards are presented for weekly achievements.


Stages of Rewards

  1. Positive praise
  2. Whale done/ Do jo points
  3. Note home



Most instances of misbehaviour are relatively minor and can be dealt with simply and quickly by a verbal reprimand. Some may require withdrawal of privileges or being kept in at break times.


Stages of Consequences

  1. Reminder
  2. Warning of what will happen if inappropriate behaviour continues
  3. Time out/removal of privileges
  4. Conversation with parents



Health & Safety

We aim to ensure that children are safe and secure at all times. The school adheres to the guidelines outlined by Newport City Council regarding Health and Safety in Education.


Any health and safety concerns are to be reported to the Headteacher. Where appropriate these issues will be brought to pupils’ attention via assemblies and class discussion. Personal and Social Education sessions will also address any Health and Safety issues. The school will work closely with other agencies, such as the police and the traffic safety team. Any issues are monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. Regular fire drills are undertaken and the school is equipped with appropriate safety equipment. Risk assessments have been undertaken on potential hazards and educational visits.


Visitors must report to the school office where they will be asked to sign in and wear identification badges if working in and around the school. Parents should enter the school and report to the school office.


The school site is secure throughout the school day. Only one gate, on Ailesbury Street, is unlocked between 9.15am and 3pm


Please note that dogs are NOT ALLOWED on the school site. The school has a strict NO SMOKING policy on the whole site. Any person using inappropriate language within the school grounds will be requested to leave.


Pupils are NOT ALLOWED to use the play area or equipment left outside classrooms at the beginning and end of the school day.


Occasionally your child may need to take medicine. You are welcome to come to school and administer the correct dose but school staff cannot administer medicines or tablets. Please do not send your child to school with medicine or tablets as children are not permitted to administer their own medicine.


If your child is asthmatic, you will need to complete a form so that we can keep accurate records. An inhaler must be provided in the chemist packaging with the prescription label clearly visible. The inhaler will be kept in the child’s classroom. Children will be supervised during their use but staff will not administer inhalers. KS2 children should take responsibility for their inhalers.

Children are encouraged to manage their asthma and may use their inhalers whenever there is a need.


Every effort is made to keep all our children and staff safe. If an accident does occur, we have members of staff who are qualified in First Aid. If your child needs treatment other than which we can provide at school, we will notify you immediately. It is therefore extremely important that emergency contact numbers are kept up to date.



Children are strongly advised not to bring valuables to school. As a school, we cannot take responsibility for any items that are lost, damaged or stolen. Mobile phones are not allowed in school. However, if a Year Six parent feels that it is imperative that a Year Six pupil brings a mobile phone to school, phones will be stored in the school office during the school day.



The wellbeing of all children and staff at Crindau Primary School is of utmost importance. As a school, we promote high levels of wellbeing and encourage children to have confidence, embrace new challenges and feel secure enough to take risks. We ensure all children display good attitudes to their learning, demonstrate high levels of engagement and sustain concentration on tasks. They are encouraged to develop the skills and ability to reflect upon their own learning and the learning of their peers. We expect all children and staff to show high levels of respect, care and concern for others.


The curriculum at Crindau Primary provides a wide variety of learning experiences which encourage children to communicate effectively, solve problems and develop their thinking skills. We are committed to igniting a passion for learning, create conditions to thrive, whilst growing together with the community and becoming ethically informed citizens.


Children are encouraged to continually express their views and opinions, which provides them with a real sense of belonging. Pupil Voice is embedded in all aspects of school life and it influences the strategic direction of our school.

From time to time, children may face difficulties which may impact on their wellbeing. As a school, we work with parents and families to support children and fully believe in the importance of working as a team.

As a school in the Shaftesbury community we strive to develop community cohesion. We have an understanding that everyone is working towards equality of opportunity providing all children with a sense of belonging and similar life chances, regardless of their backgrounds. Through recognising and celebrating success, we encourage every child to view themselves as healthy, confident individuals.



All staff who work at Crindau Primary School have had child protection training that equips them to recognise and respond to child welfare concerns. These concerns are passed to the Designated Safeguarding Officer, in our case the Headteacher, who follows strict guidelines on how to deal with any issues raised.


Equality & Inclusion

The Governors, Headteacher and staff promote equal access to all areas of the curriculum for all pupils, regardless of race, gender, ability, disability, faith and cultural background. The school has clear policies in place and are committed to providing equality and an inclusive education. All children have equal access to all activities and support is available to ensure this. We encourage respect for all within the school and the wider community.


Looked After Children

We work in partnership with Newport City Council, and other local councils, and we have a duty to safeguard and promote the education of Looked After Children. We aim to provide a safe and secure environment, where there is belief in the abilities and potential of all children, including those who are looked after. We support our Looked After Children and give them equal access to every opportunity to achieve their potential and to enjoy learning. Mrs B Jones is the designated person responsible for promoting the educational achievement of Looked After Children.
