Reception - Mrs Gibson
Welcome to Reception JG
Teacher - Mrs Gibson
Teaching assistants - Miss James and Mrs Taylor
Welcome to our Reception class. We are really looking forward to working with your children in September. I have worked in Crindau Foundation Phase in all year groups and am looking forward to another year in Reception. Miss James and Mrs Taylor have worked in most year groups too and are looking forward to this year.
General information
Reading books will be sent home on a Tuesday and Friday for you to read with your child so they will need a book bag. Please return them to school on Mondays and Thursdays.
Letters and Sounds - When the children are settled they will also be bringing a book home with the sounds they have learnt to practice with you at home.
Milk will be provided daily for the children but we are not currently collecting money for fruit. You are welcome to send in a fruit snack for your child to have at break time.
PE lessons are on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please can children wear their PE kits to school on these days (black shorts or jogging bottoms, white t-shirt and trainers). Please put children's names on all their clothing. Thank you.
Our project this term is:
What makes the world go round?
We will be looking at :
- Ourselves - similarities and differences
- How we have changed from a baby to now
- Where we live - homes
- Our community - Sainsbury's, people in the community
- Goldilocks and the three bears
Phase 2 Letters and sounds - s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f ff l ll ss
The children have these sounds in their blue books to practice at home.
We also send a sheet home for each new sound as we learn them.
This is a very useful website to support literacy and maths.
Select Learning Games, Age 3-5 and try some of the activities.
Children in Need Day 2024

Christmas Performance