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Crindau Primary School

Hand in Hand we Inspire and Celebrate Success

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Learning Centre 2 - Mrs Copner

Croeso/Welcome to the LC2 class page.

This is where you will find all the information for our class this year.


My name is Mrs Copner and this is my fourth year working at Crindau Primary School. Last year, I was lucky enough to be the LC2 class teacher and I am very much looking forward to working with lots of our LC2 pupils again this year. Within our class we are also lucky enough to have Miss Shearn and Miss Morgan who support the children's learning.


If you have any queries or matters you would like to discuss, LC2 staff will be on the yard at the beginning and the end of the day. You can also reach us by phoning reception or by e-mailing


Class Values

At the start of the year, the adults and children within LC2 work together to create a class charter.

In LC2 we promise to:

Listen to the adults and each other. 

Work hard showing perserverence and resilience. 

Be kind to ourselves and one another. 

Always try our best.

Smile and enjoy our learning!


Key Information


Reading books are sent out once children have completed reading the text in class with an adult. Please ensure book folders are sent in regularly for books to be changed.

Spellings for the week will be updated on this page on a Friday. Spelling tests will take place on the following Friday.

PE will take place on a Friday. Pupils are to wear their PE kit to school with their school jumper/cardigan on top. If for any reason there are changes to PE days, notifications will be sent out via Schoop.

We collect an optional £1 per week. This helps to pay for activities, snacks etc as part of the children's learning.

Weekly Spellings, Times Tables and Home Learning Opportunities


Each week the children are asked to practise their spellings and read their reading book with an adult. 


Please find attached spelling list for w/c 10th February 2025.

You could practise these spellings by putting them in a sentence or using one of the strategies we've learnt (rainbow writing, pyramid method, speed writing, look cover say write check, vowels and consonants, syllables, scrambled words).


Group A


Group B 




Group C




Group D


Naomi A



Times Tables


We are currently focusing on 2, 5 and 10 times tables in class. Some ideas to practice these are:

Youtube times tables songs (Scratch Garden)


questions given by an adult 

Hit the Button game (can be found on Google).
