Every week, the children will be given a spelling test, with a particular focus. Spelling lists will be given every Monday in Class for the children to bring home, and they will be given the test on the following Friday.
Please encourage your child to practice at home.
At Crindau, we follow a scheme called 'No Nonsense Spelling'.
I have attached the spelling lists that we will revisit throughout the year. It would be a fantastic support if you could keep practising the list that your child is focusing on with your children at home. I've also attached a copy of 'The Big Ten Spelling Strategies' that we encourage the children to use. The lists and groups are given based on the stage and knowledge of each individual pupil, not on their age or Year group.
Grwp Coch (Red group) - Common exception words
Grwp Oren (Orange group) - Year 3 & 4 list
Grwp Grwydd (Green group) - Year 5 & 6
No Nonsense spelling list
Weekly spelling lists appear on Google Classroom every Monday morning.