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Crindau Primary School

Hand in Hand we Inspire and Celebrate Success

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Nursery- Mrs Jones

Welcome to Nursery


Welcome to our Nursery class!


I am Mrs Jones the Class Teacher.

Mrs Blazucki and Mrs Jones are our Class Teaching Assistants.
Miss Williams is also with us in the mornings. 

Our Nursery Staff

Session Times

Morning - 9.10 - 11.40


Afternoon - 12.45 - 3.15


Please drop off and collect your children at the entrance gate on Argyle Street.


Reporting absences - please ring the school if your child is not able to attend.



Please make sure that you have signed up to the Schoop app as this is our primary means of communication with parents/carers. 


School uniform

School uniform is not compulsory in Nursery but if you wish to clothe your child in uniform, our school jumper/cardigan colour is red. Trousers, skirts and pinafores are black. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate footwear that they can put on and take off independently. 


If you choose to wear own clothes don't send them with 'best' clothes as your child is likely to get messy whilst in Nursery. We play with mud, sand and paint etc. Their clothes need to be easy for them to  remove independently for toileting. 




Nursery Songs and Rhymes


Each week we will focus on one Nursery rhyme to learn. The rhyme will be posted on Schoop so that you can help your child to practise at home. 








Letters and Sounds


In Nursery we follow a programme called Letters and Sounds and we cover the Phase One section. Phase One phonics consists of the following aspects :-

  1. Environmental Sounds - this involves taking notice of sounds around us e.g. vehicles, animals etc.
  2. Instrumental Sounds - we play various different sounding instruments and talk about how they are played and what they sound like. We sometimes hide the instruments, close our eyes and try to guess which one is being played.
  3. Body Percussion - this is exploring how we can tap various parts of our bodies to make different sounds or click fingers, stamp feet, make popping noises with our mouths etc.
  4. Rhythm and Rhyme - this is done through stories and singing rhymes. 
  5. Alliteration - this can also be explored through stories and songs and making up silly sentences e.g. Ellie the elephant exercised excitedly. You can start playing 'I Spy' to help your child to hear and isolate the initial sounds in words e.g. a a a a apple, b b b b butterfly, c c c c cat.
  6. Voice sounds - exploring how our voices can make different sounds e.g. loud/quiet, fast/slow, high/low etc.
  7. Oral blending and segmenting. Blending is when you blend sounds to make a word. e.g. c-a-t. Then say the 3 sounds faster until they blend into the word 'cat'. Segmenting is saying a word and breaking down the sounds within the word e.g. 'dog' would be broken down into the 3 sounds d-o-g.

Mathematics and numeracy


In Nursery children will take part in counting activities. It is hoped that by the time children leave nursery they are able to accurately count a set of 5 objects. At home you could help your child to practise those counting skills. Children learn well by adults modelling and showing them how to do things. Encourage your child to count out loud in everyday activities. Here are some ideas.

  • Count out spoonfuls of cereal into a bowl at breakfast time.
  • Count out jugs of water as you wash your child's hair.
  • Count the toys in the bath at bedtime.
  • Reading stories together that involve counting.


We will also start to learn about what numbers look like. It would be great if children could recognise numbers to at least 5. At home you could try and learn to write some numbers too. 
