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Crindau Primary School

Hand in Hand we Inspire and Celebrate Success

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Visits and Visitors

Pakistani workshop. 1st May

A fantastic celebration of the culture of Pakistan.  We took part in traditional dances, we tried authentic clothing, we had Mehndi artwork on our hands, we learnt to write our names in Urdu and we tried traditional Pakastini foods. 

Traditional Pakistani dances

Still image for this video

Callum Evans. September 21st. 


Callum Evans is a Welsh table tennis player, who competed at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. 


The children were lucky enough to have a training session with Callum, and some of our children showed a real talent - possible future stars!

Library visit. September 29th. 


We were visited by two members of staff from Newport library to kick off our topic. 


We learnt lots about the area of Crindau and Shaftsbury, and in particular, the early history of our school. 


We looked at maps of the area, and compared them with todays maps, to see how the area we live in has changed over the past century. 

Mr Big - Victorian Toy workshop.  November 9th. 


Mr Big visited, and brought along a selection of traditional toys from the Victorian period. 


The children had great fun learning about them, and even having a play with them themselves. 

Remembrance Service at All Saint's Church. November 15th. 


The children attanded the local church to participate in a Remembrance service, along with pupils from Millbrook Primary and Newport High School.


The children throughly enjoyed the event, and their behaviour was excellent. they were a credit to themselves, their families and our school. 

Children in Need day. November 17th.


The children were fantastic during Children in Need today. Thank you to all the families that donated. 


We were 'Spot'acular in Class 5/6R today !
