Information for families
If your child is absent from school, you must phone school as soon as possible that morning to inform us of the reason unless it is a leave of absence or medical appointment that we have previously been told about. If your child is not in school and we have not been contacted you will receive a phone call asking why your child is not in school. This ensures that your child is safe.
It is disruptive to both your child and the class if pupils arrive late to school so every effort must be made to arrive before the doors close at 9:00am. If your child is late then they should be brought to Reception and signed in, giving a reason for their lateness. Persistent lateness will follow the same steps as persistent absenteeism.
Medical Appointments
If medical appointments have to take place within the school day, the appointment letter/email/text must be shown to the school in order for it to be authorised. There is also the expectation that the child will be in school before and after the appointment if it falls outside of the start or end of the school day
Holidays in Term Time
The Newport High School cluter takes a consistent and standard approach, in line with Welsh Government policy and does not authorise any holiday in term time.
Leave of Absence in Term Time
Wherever possible we would encourage families to take leave of absence outside of term time. If this is not possible then a leave of absence form should be completed. Only in exceptional circumstances will leave of absence be authorised. The following criteria, as agreed by the Newport High cluster, must to be met in order for the absence to be considered:
- Your child is of Statutory School Age (5 years and above)
- Your child’s average level of attendance across the rolling 12 months prior to the date of requested leave is 96% or above
- Your child is always punctual to school
- Your child’s attendance record for the current academic year shows no unexplained or unauthorised absences
- The requested leave does not fall within an assessment period
You will also need to be aware of the following points:
- I have a legal responsibility to ensure my child receives an education and therefore this leave may trigger the issuing of a Fixed Penalty Notice
- I do not have an automatic right to withdraw my child from school in any event during term time
- By taking my child/children away from school, I risk receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice on return or the future if the below criteria is not met
- My child’s academic progress is likely to be affected due to this period of absence
- The application is considered on an individual case basis by the Deputy Head teacher, delegated by school’s Governing Body and authorisation is subject to set criteria.
Attendance rewards
At Crindau Primary we recognise the importance of excellent attendance. Every term, pupils with 98-100% attendance for that term receive an attendance certificate. This can be used towards achieving a medal of excellence.