Year 5 - Miss Morse
Welcome to Year 5!
Croeso i Blwyddyn 5!
Hello everyone, welcome to Year 5. This class page will provide the information you need for our class this year.
Your class teacher is Miss Morse,
A little about me....
I am really looking forward to spending this year with your children and I hope to inspire them in their learning journey and watch them develop in their understanding and knowledge. This is my first year of teaching in Crindau Primary but this is my third year of teaching, where I have previously taught children from the younger years to year 6. I enjoy being creative and love using music when I teach. I am so looking forward to a fabulous year with your children.
If you need anything or would like to chat with me please do not hesitate to get in touch on the gate, or via email. My email address is
Miss Morse
Our PE days will usually be on a Thursday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit on Thursdays, this is a white t-shirt, black shorts or long bottoms and trainers. Please make sure they have footwear suitable for inside and outside use. If your child has long hair, please make sure they have something to tie it back. Any additional PE days or changes will be sent out on schoop.
Class Dojo
Your child can earn DoJo points for lots of things in class.
The children have chosen their own class rules and can earn DoJo points for
showing good behaviour, staying on task, speaking Welsh and many other good things.
The children will be working on new spellings every week in class. If you wish to practise spellings at home please use the lists on Google Classroom, the lists will be there each Monday. Any issues with Google Classroom just ask your child for their login details to take home.
Spellings you can learn at home.
We would encourage you to enjoy reading at home with your child. In addition, we will have Group Guided Reading sessions in class every day, where the children will work in a carousel of reading comprehension activities, as well as having opportunities for independent reading.
Times tables
At Crindau, we feel it is a vital Maths skill to have a good knowledge of times tables. The children will be busy working on their times tables in class, and I ask that you work with me by encouraging them to practice at home too. The children will go through their tables with me, and they know which tables they are working on.
Your child can earn a bronze star by saying their tables in order. E.g. 1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 2 = 4, 3 x 2 = 6
Your child can earn a silver star for saying the answer to a given table. E.g. 3 x 2 = ?, 7 x 2 = ?
Your child can earn a gold star for being able to say the sum when they are given the answer.
They can use the following website to practise their times tables.
Our topics this year
We are excited to see what direction we decide to take our learning in.
Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
What makes the world go round?
What makes the world go round?
We are kicking off this topic by focusing on how Politics has an impact on the world, locally, Nationally and Internationally.
Pupil Voice
This term your children have chosen to learn about...
Autumn Term - What makes the world go round?
Spring Term -
Summer Term -
Have a look at some of the things we have been up to in 5M